I Imagined I Could Live with What I Did (Figments: The Power of Imagination)

I Imagined I Could Live with What I Did (Figments: The Power of Imagination)

Memories of Aerial Combat. The host for this show is Dan 'Fig' Leaf. The guest is Rick 'Kluso' Tollini.

Fig and his friend Rick "Kluso" Tollini relive their days flying F-15s in Japan, share experiences in aerial combat, and discuss the moral aftermath of war. Kluso shot down an Iraqi MiG-25 during Operation Desert Storm. In his memoir, "Call Sign Kluso", he discussed how he felt about taking human life, and the path he took to reconcile what he had done. He and Fig both experienced moral epiphanies after their combat experience, and they discuss that in detail - and how important it is that war only be waged when absolutely necessary.

The ThinkTech YouTube Playlist for this show is https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLQpkwcNJny6mKINeB1rYn5-MFU3JdqCSh

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