Cheap Shots: Episode #57 How to Cheaply and Quickly Paint Thundrik's Profiteers
Welcome to another edition of “Cheap Shots”, our series dedicated to showing you how to save money on the wargaming hobby. Welcome Miniatures War Gamer to my channel! On this episode will show you how to quickly and cheaply paint Thundrik's Profiteers for Warhammer: Underworlds. At the same time, we will show you the materials and techniques that we use to help you save +$112.00 in savings.
I am Commander Cheapskate, and on this channel, we'll show you how to play miniatures war gaming on a budget. We feature weekly battle reports, army showcases, terrain showcases, and tutorials on how you can save money on the amazing hobby of Miniatures War Gaming.
We will show you instructions, techniques, and tutorials on what we use to paint miniatures and build terrain; and more importantly, how to save bundles of cash while doing it.
Please feel free to check us out on the following Social Media Platforms below. There we post daily and weekly updates on the hobby aspect of our channel.
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On this channel we feature the following Miniatures War Games:
Warhammer: The Old World
Warhammer Fantasy Battle 8th Edition
Warhammer Age of Sigmar
Warhammer 40,000 8th Edition
Blood Bowl
Kill Team