Are you crazy about 🍰 pastry? Would you like to learn the basics to design your own sweet recipes? Learn all this with the online and extended B·Concept method pastry course. You will only need a 🖊️ pen, a 📓 notebook and hunger to 🎓 learn!
The course is structured in 4 Modules. In Module 4 about pastry elaborations, you will learn how to elaborate a high-level 🍰 pastry collection through 12 key elaborations of Jordi Bordas’ most personal recipe book. 🌱 Healthier, lighter and tastier recipes, formulated with its innovative method, B·Concept.
In this ▶️ video, which is part of the online and extended B·Concept method pastry course content, we show you how do we finish the 🍓 Framboisier, a petit gâteaux which has become one of Jordi Bordas’ pastry icons. We teach you how to do an elegant and pleasing finishing, having in mind even the littlest detail, using natural products as 🍓 raspberries themselves or 🌿 basil.
There is more information about the online and extended B·Concept method course in our webpage: https://www.jordibordas.com/en/online-course/.
And, if you want to watch the other Modules’ videos, you have got them in: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLhaMcZX-y-AOnB7y2V3i5ExcW7Sco3f0F.
Moreover, if you want to start learning more about how to prepare lighter pastry 👨🍳 recipes, but equally creamy and appetising with the B·Concept method, you can do it through the free MASTERCLASS: https://youtu.be/75ZGZYd4eNw (in Spanish).
📧 Email us to info@jordibordas.com if you are willing for more information! We will be glad to help clarify your doubts.
#jordibordas #pastrycourse #cursopasteleria #recipeelaboration #elaboracionrecetas