Tokinomo x 4 Eggs - Delhaize | Interactive Shopper Marketing Campaign

Tokinomo x 4 Eggs - Delhaize | Interactive Shopper Marketing Campaign

We might forget to buy healthy products like eggs, but with the help of Tokinomo, you will be reminded once you stroll in the aisle. Delhaize Greece implemented an in-store campaign where their products talked directly to the shoppers.
Tokinomo robots have 3 Superpowers: Shopping engagement and product visibility, Sales lift 10x higher than any classic POS display, and Stopping Power beyond compare. Picture this: 50% of all shoppers passing by the shelf notice the product and 30% interact with it.
Each Tokinomo device is connected wirelessly to our data servers, which means you can change campaign settings like audio files, sound volume, and motion pattern remotely and have real-time access to data, so you can monitor the campaign at all times, irrespective of the number of locations it is implemented in.
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