…….your pain will not be left discarded .
Racism is a wound in the field of this nation; the seeds of evil have been reaped in the ground so deep to the point where wherever we turn the vines of racial discrimination, profiling , slurs , taunts , lies , death, and lures pry many hearts . That seed of grief that has been watered by the tears and blood of those who are plowed by the unjust; has grown into a weed that’s killing them off slowly by slowly . Actually racism has been around for so long that it’s been twisted as an everyday norm . But that’s the thing ………. it shouldn’t be normal that some have to come home with the welcoming of another story of how racism has stained the pages of their memory and heart that left a crippling , paralyzing , and terrifying scar . When I look out in the world , in the media , and in plain view there’s just this piling of hearts that have been damaged and pained . And the heart-breaking thing is that some of us don’t even have to look out at the world, but in their homes, because their parents hold that wound . The history of this countries past holds a recital of this long racial battle that has screeched in today’s day in age . But what this country needs to see is that there’s this seed of history that’s actually still living . And this seed may have a wound, but He bleeds so that you can be freed . He bled so that you and my heart could be fed with the water of love that can drown your scar so that it is no more . And His name is Jesus . This country doesn’t need another insufficient bandage ; what we need is Jesus Christ, because He will no just heal / mend the nation, but He will rain His peace and justice like a full coverage blanket among all the broken-hearted .
“ This nation is desiring for justice , love , and peace while trying to do it all on your own, but let my son finish what He has begun . Because when He’s done you will see the desire of your heart enlighten like the sun , because this country needs a victory like the beginning of a fresh new morning . And the dark cloud that the enemy puffs will be wiped by the firm of my arm, because he must fear the Lord“
Love, Jesus 🤍
“ To all the broken-hearted 💔❤️🩹
put your heart in my hands, 🙏🏾
so I can make it new again. ❤️
And know that my shield of love will never run when pain comes to push and shove . My shield will never break under the weight of your pain , because my spirit is like a dove . When it floods peace will come, and when it rises the enemy can’t fight it . “
Love, Jesus