I've been working on it for past 3 days and that was surprisingly chill and entertaining process. I've learned more tricks about IK rig, how to customise textures, made some custom shape keys, improved settings for real time cloth simulation as well as jiggle bones (for hair and accs) on Source 2 engine. Also used Blender to make a simple but facinating background animation and a lot of other software to end up with this calming piece. Hope you enjoyed! :3
Also join my Discord server - I was inspired by one of the members! And I'm in search of more greatest ideas! https://discord.gg/P6E6tbmuPD
Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/deadbydaylight/comments/l0kqko/cyber_yui_peace_and_tranquility/
Steam: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2367107506
Song: Peace And Tranquility Chip-tune remix (A Hat In Time)