How I made R80 000 on Bamboo Globalization | Will I even be able to with it all?
To all the New Subscribers, I would like to say welcome to Money Nation With Pro Dludlu.
Money Nation Telegram Channel: https://t.me/joinchat/Gv2vUiA-ucExYzA0
Bamboo Registration Link: https://h5.bambooglobalization.com/#/pages/login/register?parentId=1536104
Money Nation Telegram Channel: https://t.me/joinchat/Gv2vUiA-ucExYzA0
You can be educated and still broke. Making money is a different curriculum not taught in the traditional school system. I am Pro Dludlu, do join me on my journey as I venture into knowing & mastering financial education and diversified wealth creation methods.
I’ll be sharing regular uploads of videos documenting my financial journey as I aim to look for a new opportunity every single week these will range from MLM’s (Multi-Level Marketing), Cryptocurrency, JSE Stocks, Side-Hustles, explaining investment terminologies/opportunities and share how I’ll be accessing other financial opportunities.
Some of the concepts or opportunities on this channel will be the first time trying them out & others I’ve been doing for some time now with great benefits. With that said do note that everything shared in this channel remains purely as educational content & not investment advice as I’m not a financial advisor, if you are seeking for financial advice consult an advisor from your local bank.
The next 30 - 90 Days are thee most important because if you get left behind now from what will be shared, playing catch-up with opportunities I’ll be sharing on this channel won’t be an easy thing to do.
So in order for you not to miss anything then ensure that you Subscribe on this Channel & hit the bell🔔for notifications so that you get notified every time I upload a new video💥🏌🏽♂️
#bambooglobalization #howtomakemoneywithbambooglobalization #makemoneyonlinesouthafrica