EM waves L 7 | Behaviour of a material for EM waves | B.Sc. 1 | IIT JAM | Electricity and Magnetism

EM waves L 7 | Behaviour of a material for EM waves | B.Sc. 1 | IIT JAM | Electricity and Magnetism

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EM waves L 7 | Behaviour of a material for EM waves | B.Sc. 1 | IIT JAM | Electricity and Magnetism
This is lecture 7 of lecture series on electromagnetic waves. It is taught in B.Sc. Honours Physics, B.Sc. Non-Medical, and computer Science, semester I. In this lecture we will learn that a given conductor can respond to EM waves as insulator. The factors which affect the behaviour are conductivity, permittivity and Frequency of EM wave.
These concepts are very important for university exams such as for students under GNDU, Punjab university, Delhi University, HPU etc. These are the fundamental concepts of mechanics and are very useful for IIT JAM and other university entrance exams.
Dr H. Singh

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